Friday, January 23, 2009

the weekend....

This past week has flown by... probably because I'm up to my eye balls in work so I don't have time to realize how quickly the day is going.... I wore one of my vintage reconstruction shirts and got a great compliment on it today. That was a perk. Its my besties birthday is also today... she is 25 and her birthday reminds me of my own looming destiny.... yikes...  a quarter of a century is scary and an impending landmark that I'd rather not approach, yet here it comes. Tomorrow Daniel and I are making a quick drive up to Hilton Head Island for a "snow day" on the beach. Bit of a misnomer, but I don't mind. It'll be nice to play in fake snow and then walk away in 60 degree weather... jeez, I can't wait to wear shorts. My hair is getting long... I was able to pull it up into a bun today, a new concept for me. Along with that length I have also noticed my dirty blonde patch peeking through the top... well actually now its progressed from the peeking and is nearly a helmet covering the top portion of my skull. But, who's keeping tabs.... dying hair is a drag.

1 comment:

  1. whoa...blonde is growing...I don't think I have seen you with blonde hair for like 10 years it seems. My hair is also two toned, reddish and brown. I'm too busy (or lazy) to dye it reddish again. I figured I'd just let it grow until it's all brown again. We'll see. Oh, I wanted to tell you that we watched Wall E last night and loved it, what a cute movie!
